Dr. Rüdiger Krüger (Germany/Education and Training Services) and Javier Orki González Expósito (Spain/Sustainable Tourism)

Dr. Rüdiger Krüger is the director of the Volkshochschule Reckenberg-Ems gGmbH, a further education institution in Germany that offers a broad variety of education and training services, including various educational trips abroad. Mr. Krüger was eager to participate in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, because he wanted to profit from a new entrepreneur’s innovative and fresh ideas for his business and was interested in establishing a long-lasting business cooperation.
Javier González has a travel agency in Tenerife, which offers sustainable tourism activities. During his stay in Germany, he got firsthand advice from Dr. Krüger on the quality management and the leading of an internationally operating institution. He further gained insights into almost all of the Volkshochschule’s activities and best practices by collaborating and exchanging knowledge with the employees of each company department. Weiterlesen …

Victoria Carreras (Spain/Co-Working) and Enelin Mitt (Estonia/Tourism)

Victoria Carreras: “Although this time our exchange was shorter than usual and desired, it was a great experience to have Enelin with us for those weeks. The energy that she has transmitted to us with her young experience, her security and enthusiasm in her projects. These are the values that reinforce our knowledge and create bonds in our community.” Weiterlesen …

Valerio Caporossi (Italy/Agriculture) and Josep Margenat (Spain/Agriculture)

Valerio: “I am very thankful to have had this wonderful opportunity. There is no doubt that this programme has helped me grow as a young entrepreneur and meet lifelong friends and mentors. I wish that other young entrepreneurs can also take part in this life changing programme.” Weiterlesen …

Medeja Kenda (Slovenia/Hospitality) and Tina Batistuta (Netherlands/Travel Services)

Medeja Kenda: “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program definitely gave me certain width. I was exposed to different business and work environments and further, I had an opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneur and got in touch with new approaches of work. Moreover, I improved my network which is especially nowadays very important. I would definitely encourage other new entrepreneurs to participate in the program. It is a life time opportunity to self-invest and better prepare yourself for your own business path.” Weiterlesen …

Paul Gevers (Netherlands/Travel) and Markus Espeter (Germany/Engineering)

Paul Gevers: “Collaboration with young entrepreneurs gives you the
chance to see your business from another point of view and to gain some fresh input. I was likely to give Markus an insight on how the East African business works, especially in terms of challenges and impacts of governmental bureaucracy when you own a company that is based in Europe.” Weiterlesen …

Jan Göbel (Germany/IT) and Juan Morales (Spain/IT, Tourism)

Host Entrepreneur: Juan Vallecillo is a business man with over 35 years experience in the travel business. He is the founder and chairman of the Canarias.com group that comprises a Rent a Car Fleet, a premium chauffeur service and an Online Travel Agency. Canarias.com has grown based on the solid Weiterlesen …