Sergejs Andrejevs (Latvia/Education and training services) and Maria Grazia Pirina (Italy/Education and training services)

Sergejs (NE): “This program gave me the opportunity I would not get in another way. Six months that I spent in exchange was the biggest learning opportunity in my life to gain knowledge, skills, attitude regarding my entrepreneurial idea.
There were many things that I learnt during my exchange, but the biggest and most important for me was to learn how to create an educational program and deliver it to target groups. Other learnings were how to write and implement projects, how to lead people around you, how to be an entrepreneur, etc.
There was a never-ending learning process, which will not end by ending the exchange, but will go further with the next months, years by practicing knowledge, skills and attitudes that I got during my exchange.” Weiterlesen …

Javier Orki González Expósito (Spain/Sustainable tourism) and Dr. Rüdiger Krüger (Germany/Education and training services)

The experience of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme was very positive for both sides. The NE as well as the HE received new points of views thanks to this programme. Mr. González is very grateful to the Erasmus Programme and Dr. Krüger and his team for the opportunity. Now, Mr. Gonzalez will apply to become a Host Entrepreneurs for the next year. He will also introduce all of what he has learned during the exchange and his new know-how in his company, in order to make it more competitive and open to new markets. The EYE programme enables the connection of entrepreneurs throughout Europe, it enhances the opportunities of European markets, and allows the small start-ups to show all their potential abroad. Connecting people, creating new opportunities, sharing knowledge, that’s Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. Reducing the boundaries to nothing and making committed European citizens. Weiterlesen …

Nastasja Minja (Slovenia/Psychology) and Valentina Bortolotto (Italy/Education and training services) – Corona Story

Since the corona crisis struck I have been staying in the house and complying to the restrictions of movement and social interactions. Not my cup of tea to stay inside and avoid physical contact with people, but what can we do… We need to have respect for others who suffer great consequences, if they contracted the virus. And since it is apparently extremely contagious and you never know how or where you can get in touch with it, we should all find the power within us to respect the quarantine and be patient until new rules apply.

I am keeping contact with my host through What’s App and am continuing with our collaboration online as many others decided to do. I am working on creating content for sport psychology (my profession) while at the same time being available for my host for any activities and possible help he would need from me that I can provide online. I adapted my first SMART goal to the current situation and will complete my work on time until the first deadline. Weiterlesen …

Dr. Rüdiger Krüger (Germany/Education and Training Services) and Javier Orki González Expósito (Spain/Sustainable Tourism)

Dr. Rüdiger Krüger is the director of the Volkshochschule Reckenberg-Ems gGmbH, a further education institution in Germany that offers a broad variety of education and training services, including various educational trips abroad. Mr. Krüger was eager to participate in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, because he wanted to profit from a new entrepreneur’s innovative and fresh ideas for his business and was interested in establishing a long-lasting business cooperation.
Javier González has a travel agency in Tenerife, which offers sustainable tourism activities. During his stay in Germany, he got firsthand advice from Dr. Krüger on the quality management and the leading of an internationally operating institution. He further gained insights into almost all of the Volkshochschule’s activities and best practices by collaborating and exchanging knowledge with the employees of each company department. Weiterlesen …

Maja Vrčon (Slovenia/Advertising) and Ignacio Rodriguez (Spain/Education)

Maja Vrčon: “After I finished my EYE exchange I’m even more determinate to reopen my business and start working as an entrepreneur-sole proprietor again. The Erasmus experience made me more confident and empowered me with knowledge how to start and successfully run my business as social media marketer.” Weiterlesen …