Marta Rivera (Spain, Architecture) and Tiago Antero Sousa e Silva (Portugal, Architecture)

I believe that none of this would have been possible without the EYE Erasmus+ programme and that if I could repeat the experience I would certainly repeat it. However, now I will create my own business and I will be delighted that other young people come to learn and have an experience like the one I have had, which I will certainly never forget. Weiterlesen …

Manar Abdelhameed (Germany, Training & Digitalization) and Haytham Kamel Badawy (Luxembourg, Training Services)

Despite the fact that each person I met has his own success fingerprint, there was something in common. Listening to all the stories of how these big entities started from an idea and with consistency of working and continuously improving and adjusting, they could achieve their step of the success ladder they aimed for. Weiterlesen …

Mitja Bitenc (Slovenia/Restaurant & Social entrepreneurship) and Vladimir Pavić (Croatia/Education & training services)

Mitja Bitenc (HE): “As with hosting my previous NEs I wanted to offer to Vladimir the best of my entrepreneurial knowledge and know-how gained during all my years of being an entrepreneur. In these difficult COVID-19 period I had to survive as my restaurant was closed. So, Vladimir witnessed from me dos and do nots of running a restaurant in extraordinary circumstances and starting other business services like pasta production and sale. On the other hand, Vladimir was at that time of great support to me and I benefited from his resourcefulness, diligence, reliability and jovial spirit.” Weiterlesen …

Marko Drpić (Slovenia/Training Services) and Agate Lielpetere (Latvia/Graphic Design)

Marko Drpič (HE): “Agate came to me for entrepreneurial training as an illustrator and surprised me because she proposed an interesting entrepreneurial idea to include haiku design in her training program in addition to acquiring entrepreneurial competencies and knowledge. Agate designed and produced a series of haiku on the subject of truckers. She drew ideas for this from a collection of clichés and created an interesting series of haiku that combines design, print and poetry. This kind of entrepreneurial exchange was a great experience for me, beyond all expectations.” Weiterlesen …