Marija Bumbak (Croatia/Education) and Marko Paunović (Belgium/Social Entrepreneurship)

Marko Paunović (HE): “The experience was very positive, even though the pandemic had a negative impact on our daily work and cooperation. Marija – as a dedicated team member and advocate for a more dynamic and innovative Europe – was a great asset to Out of the Box International. We will continue working on her business plan. One Erasmus + project was approved also thanks to Marija’s contribution.” Weiterlesen …

Isabel Muñoz Arcos (Spain/Tourism) and Valerio Deidda (Italy/Tourism)

Isabel Muñoz (NE): ‘’Erasmus for young entrepreneurs has allowed me to be closer to my dream. I have learned, worked, and enjoyed. Thanks to Valerio for his dedication and for sharing with me the passion for his daily work. Without any doubt, it has been one of the best experiences of my life.’’ Weiterlesen …

Davide Perego (Italy/Consulting) and Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa (Spain/Sustainability)

Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa (HE): “An incredible and productive experience focused on knowledge exchange empowered by the EYE project. During the past 6 months, we have developed our skills by enriching and expanding our internationalization goals building a strong relationship with Davide.” Weiterlesen …

Jānis Berzins (Latvia/Real Estate) and Jesper Bjerring Ørum (Denmark/Energy)

Jānis Berzins (NE): “If you are still thinking about applying for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, answer two questions – what is the worst that can happen and what is the best that can happen as a result of the exchange? This way you can quickly come to the conclusion that there is no reason not to try this program yourself and look into the global marketplace to bring your ideas to light with the help of an experienced entrepreneur.” Weiterlesen …

Alexandra Alexandru (Romania/Entertainment) and Christoph Gschier (Austria/IT and communication services)

From Christoph’s point of view, it is essential to know the language of the country. Although a lot of communication happens in English, the working language in his company is still German. Therefore, that might hamper an exchange in some stages as a lot of information is given in passing. The exchange became a very fruitful one and Christoph was happy to gain new insights from Alexandra, to have started new business concepts and at least helped her with her future business. Weiterlesen …

Tjaša Zornik (Slovenia/Web and grahic design, digital marketing) and Urška Starc-Peceny (Austria/Communication and storytelling)

How did HE Urška Starc-Peceny profit from the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme? Supported by Tjaša’s design skills, it was possible to visualize concepts in a very innovative way. She was able to listen, consult and finally transform an idea into a professional-looking graphic, a process to an infographic. A good quality visual presentation made it easier to communicate their ideas to the public. As a passionate communicator, Urška profited from Tjaša’s fresh ideas and perspectives in relation to ongoing projects. Weiterlesen …

Špela Mazovec (Slovenia/Restaurant and sustainable development) and Filip Brničević (Restaurant and social entrepreneurship)

Špela Mazovec (NE): “I had an amazing experience – I met a lot of new people, gained new contacts, knowledge, got a motivation to start on my own. I recommend it to everyone who is seeking not only business development but a life experience to participate in the program.” Weiterlesen …

Kristina Nikolovska (Slovenia/Robotics and automation industry) and Stefan Zeidler (Germany/Robotics and automation industry)

Kristina Nikolovska (NE): “I am very happy I got to do this program. I have gained a lot of knowledge about the robotic industry and how to run a start-up. Also, I got to improve technical skills and programming skills. I would encourage young people who are excited about becoming entrepreneurs and want to gain skill that they will never be able to gain otherwise to participate in the program. I had a very positive experience with the HE and the team because they accepted me as a part of the team. They divided the tasks and shared knowledge with me from the first day. Participating in the program was one of the best decisions I could make after graduating. With the knowledge I gained I feel more prepared now for the industry and for running my own business.” Weiterlesen …

Viola Orgiano (Italy/Graphic design and Architecture) and Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa (Spain/Environmental consultancy and water technologies)

Viola Orgiano (NE): “It has been a great opportunity for me to collaborate with my Host Entrepreneur in ECOS. Sharing my passion for my profession in a multidisciplinary and intercultural environment has been an experience which is going to be really relevant in my future as an entrepreneur.” Weiterlesen …

Sergejs Andrejevs (Latvia/Education and training services) and Maria Grazia Pirina (Italy/Education and training services)

Sergejs (NE): “This program gave me the opportunity I would not get in another way. Six months that I spent in exchange was the biggest learning opportunity in my life to gain knowledge, skills, attitude regarding my entrepreneurial idea.
There were many things that I learnt during my exchange, but the biggest and most important for me was to learn how to create an educational program and deliver it to target groups. Other learnings were how to write and implement projects, how to lead people around you, how to be an entrepreneur, etc.
There was a never-ending learning process, which will not end by ending the exchange, but will go further with the next months, years by practicing knowledge, skills and attitudes that I got during my exchange.” Weiterlesen …