Marco Sparicio (Spain, Investment and education) and Jonas Balcerzak (Germany, IT)

NE Jonas Balcerzak and HE Marco Sparicio

New Entrepreneur (NE):

Name & surname: Jonas Balcerzak
Country: Germany
Age: 22
Sector of activity: Camping App
Did you already start your business? No
Name of business/website: CampTales

Host Entrepreneur (HE):

Name & surname: Marco Sparicio
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Investments / Education
Experience in running a business (in years): 25+
Name of business/website: The Investor University,

Period of exchange: 01/04/2023 – 31/07/2023
Duration of exchange: 4 months

Marco Sparicio (HE):

I’m an Italian entrepreneur and investor with over 25 years of experience. In 2016, I relocated my operations to the Canary Islands, Spain, where I now live and recently teamed up with a partner to launch an online training project called “The Investor University.”

Having previously experienced the EYE program (our previous NE is still working within the team), I decided to participate again to further develop this educational initiative. Jonas worked with us passionately and wholeheartedly for 4 months, bringing a fresh perspective to a project that needed new ideas and energy. We gained a lot from this program, and I believe we’ve also contributed significantly in return.

I’m confident that this experience won’t end here, and I’m excited about setting sail for another “success story.”

Jonas Balcerzak (NE):

My introduction to this project came through acquaintances, and right from the outset, it has held a profound fascination for me. The idea of having the chance to receive support while venturing into the realm of establishing my own business abroad is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The prospect of engaging in exchanges with seasoned entrepreneurs who have navigated the intricacies of running a business for an extended period brings an immense experiential value to the forefront. Their insights, garnered from their own journeys, are akin to a treasure trove of wisdom, ready to be explored.

However, it’s not just the business-oriented aspect that entices me; it’s the broader perspective that this program offers. The possibility of spending time abroad as part of this initiative presents an opportunity to broaden my horizons in ways that are genuinely indescribable.

The Exchange:

During the course of the program, an array of dynamic activities was undertaken that encapsulated a holistic approach to entrepreneurial learning.

The interaction between HE and NE also encompassed regular discussions regarding business models, revenue streams, and market positioning. These exchanges provided the NE with an invaluable real-world perspective on the intricacies of entrepreneurship, enabling him to refine his vision and develop a strategic roadmap for his venture.

Furthermore, this collaboration spurred the inception of innovative ideas for the HE’s project, fusing HE’s experience with NE’s fresh perspective.

This vibrant exchange between the parts culminated in a dynamic synergy that encapsulated not just the transfer of knowledge but also the cultivation of a professional bond. The reciprocal learning and benefit that transpired, where NE’s perspective also brought novel insights to the table, exemplified the true essence of collaborative entrepreneurship.

The journey within the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program has yielded a plethora of tangible benefits that extend far beyond the program’s duration. Notably, the establishment of a robust mentor-mentee relationship between HE and NE has laid the groundwork for potential future collaborations. This partnership isn’t confined to the program’s timeline; it holds the promise of continued interaction, leveraging HE expertise and NE innovative perspective for mutual growth.

In terms of skill development, the experience has been transformative. The practical application of entrepreneurial concepts, guided by an accomplished mentor, has fortified NE business acumen. NE cultivated the ability to navigate complex market landscapes, refine business models, and strategize for sustainable growth. Moreover, the program has imparted effective communication and negotiation skills, enabling NE to convey his ideas with precision and confidence. Similarly, the HE has been able to enrich his decades-long experience with new insights and energies.

Concluding Remarks

Jonas Balcerzak (NE): “The Erasmus program has been a transformative journey, where the mentorship, skills gained, and connections made have lit the path to my entrepreneurial dreams.”

Marco Sparicio (HE): “The collaboration with Jonas through the Erasmus program has been an invigorating exchange of perspectives, driving innovation and growth”