Entry and residence requirements
The Directorate of Immigration www.utl.is/en
Working in Iceland
Eures – The European Portal Job Mobility Portal www.ec.europa.eu/eures/iceland
Social insurance
Social Insurance Administration www.tr.is/en
Government of Iceland on Social Security and Pensions www.government.is
Health care
Icelandic Health Insurance (IHI) www.sjukra.is/en
European health insurance card
European Commission www.ec.europa.eu
Accommodation in Iceland https://work.iceland.is/living/house-hunting/
Renting in Iceland https://www.mbl.is/fasteignir/leiga/
For further information, see the “Accommodation section” in the EU-wide Information directory
Country information
The official gateway to Iceland www.iceland.is
The official tourism information site www.inspiredbyiceland.com
BBC country profile www.bbc.com/iceland
For further information, see the “Culture section” in the EU-wide Information directory
Last edited 11/23