New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: César Augusto Fontanillo López
Country: Spain
Age: 28
Sector of activity: Blockchain
Did you already start your business? No
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Christophe Tavernier
Country: France
Sector of activity: Blockchain
Experience in running a business (in years): 16
Name of business/website: www.euronixa.com
What is your business? EURONIXA
Period of exchange: 01/06/2021 – 30/11/2021
Duration of exchange: 6 months
César and Christophe met through the EYE platform. César wanted to have hands-on experience as a young advocate while working on his own entrepreneurial project. Christophe is building a blockchain consortium at a European level (EURONIXA) and sought for legal advice concerning blockchain technologies.
Together, César and Christophe have built the statutes and the Charter of the consortium. Furthermore, they have developed its privacy and data protection policies. César has benefited from the business mindset of Christophe and has deepened his knowledge on blockchain and the law. Christophe has arranged and clarified the legal basis and framework on which the consortium will become operational. As a result of EYE, César and Christophe will continue working together in developing and expanding EURONIXA.
Concluding Remarks
César Augusto Fontanillo López (NE): “EYE offers the opportunity to connect young and ambitious talent with established and experienced mentorship. That relationship can be no other than a win-win”
Christophe Tavernier (HE): “During EYE, César and I have had the opportunity of knowing each other more in depth. The fact that we will continue working together evidences the success of the program”