New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Alessia Spadaccini
Country: Italy
Age: 33
Sector of activity: Online Advertising
Did you already start your business? Yes
Name of business/website: https://www.alessiaspadaccini.com/
What is your future business? Web Marketing and Online Advertising Agency
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Antonio Guadalupi
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Professional Services Marketing
Experience in running a business (in years): 14
Name of business/website: www.markitella.com
What is your business? Marketing Services Agency
Period of exchange: 01/12/2021 – 28/02/2022
Duration of exchange: 3 months
What were the benefits of the business exchange of Alessia and Antonio, two online marketing specialists, with respect to their online course ambitions?
The participants of the EYE exchange in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are Alessia Spadaccini (NE) and Antonio Guadalupi (HE).
Both Alessia and Antonio discovered Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs in 2020/2021 thanks to word of mouth from people who already participated in the exchange in the past. The exchange was really focused on the online training field, more specifically on the start/launch of projects that educate on specific web marketing areas.
The main objective of the NE was to learn how to effectively structure and manage training courses or individual lessons in the marketing field thanks to the experience of the HE, expert teacher and communicator, in order to create her own online courses focused on alternative online advertising. Moreover, the NE wanted to improve public speaking and personal branding skills.
The main objective of the HE was to expand his education/training business by creating a new online Academy for small business owners and freelancers.
Alessia and Antonio succeeded in designing and launching the first prototype of Markitella’s (the HE’s Academy) first 6 products/courses for a market test. This output was achieved thanks to periodic brainstorming between NE and HE, but also study of the target needs and of competitors’ products. Also, the NE’s project began to take shape with its brand positioning defined and its planning of content structure ready.
There is also a future possible cooperation between Alessia and Antonio: they may continue working together on Markitella’s Academy if the market test ends well and leads to an actual product and course development.
The NE developed more self-confidence in content creation for online courses (but also professional training in general) and in public speaking. The HE has his new Academy’s basis and a full structure of 6 new products/courses for his target audience.
Concluding Remarks
Alessia Spadaccini (NE): “It was nice to participate with Antonio in the creation of courses and products which can be really useful for businesses that will use them. This really helped me find a clearer purpose for my project.”
Antonio Guadalupi (HE): „The experience with Alessia was very positive. She gave a great boost to the project by putting into practice her skills and knowledge. It has been a very fruitful exchange where we have learnt from each other.”