New Entrepreneur (NE):
Name & surname: Ragna Jebsen
Country: Germany
Age: 25
Sector of activity: Online Education
Did you already start your business? No
Host Entrepreneur (HE):
Name & surname: Marko Haschej
Country: Austria
Sector of activity: Event Management
Experience in running a business (in years): 5
Name of business/website: Kopfkino productions, http://kopfkino.pro
What is your business? Creative event agency
Period of exchange: 10/03/2021 – 10/07/2021
Duration of exchange: 4 months
Why does Marko keep on taking on new entrepreneurs?
Motivated by his first two exchanges, Marko Haschej participated as a host in the exchange programme for the third time in row and was glad to welcome Ragna Jebsen from Germany on board of his team.
Marko has a broad experience as an entrepreneur, event designer, social media and campaign strategist. He is the co-founder, mastermind, and former license holder of TEDxKlagenfurt which he has organized since 2013.
Beside TEDx, he is the founder of multiple dynamic enterprises, two of which are Moonshot Pirates, a youth organization offering training and networking for interested young people and Kopfkino Productions, a creative event agency.
Ragna Jebsen is a young entrepreneur who is eager to learn from experienced founders and businesspeople. Since her participation in the student company program Junior Achievement, she felt the desire to run her own business. The main goal of Ragna’s exchange was gathering experience in the field of entrepreneurship and being a part of a fast-moving environment. Through her studies of business administration and her voluntary engagement in the JA Alumni Network, Ragna started the exchange with a fair share of her own experience with which she could contribute to the overall success of the program.
Marko and Ragna established a structure for regular feedback loops which were an integral part of their flourishing relationship. Ragna’s own business idea concerns a digital platform connecting music teachers with potential pupils. The main areas where she was hoping to gain insight included practical experience in partner acquisition, building a funding system and setting up a marketing plan, to name a few.
Over the course of the exchange, Ragna developed several concepts for fundraising and sales within Marko’s company Kopfkino Productions. The concepts resulted in multiple funding applications from which several are still ongoing. Ragna’s work contributed to a substantial boost in the area of sales with a long-lasting impact. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as no large international events took place, Ragna assisted the host with securing new partnerships for future events.
The exchange was an overall success. Both parts profited from the partnership which is intended to continue beyond the scope of the programme. One thing seems to be clear: Marko is already looking forward to the next possibility to host a young entrepreneur.