New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Ana Povše
Country: Slovenia
Age: 36
Sector of activity: Tourism & Travel services
Did you already start your business? No
What is your future business? A company that offers authentic tours of the city of Ljubljana
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Gabriele Klima
Country: Austria
Sector of activity: Tourism & Travel services
Experience in running a business (in years): 25
Name of business/website: https://www.gtour.at & https://gtour-reisen.com
What is your business? Culinaric tour leaders and travel agents in Vienna
Period of exchange: 10/08/2020 – 10/02/2021
Duration of exchange: 6 months
How has Gabriele Klima experienced an entrepreneurial and culinary adventure with her New Entrepreneur Ana Povše?
Gabriele Klima is an Austrian entrepreneur who has been working in the field of tourism for over 15 years. She is the owner and founder of GTOURs, where she offers guided culinary tours through the city of Vienna as well as journeys to other destinations. As she likes to support young entrepreneurs and share her business knowledge, she applied for the Erasmus Program for Young Entrepreneurs.
Ana from Slovenia planned to start a business in the tourism sector and wanted to gain new insights while working with someone who has already successfully established a business. So Ana´s profile was a perfect match for Gabriele, who planned to expand her business by offering an additional tour to Slovenia.
They started their exchange in summer 2020, with a visit to Slovenia and a “foodie tour” through the city. Back in Vienna, Ana was involved in various parts of the daily activities of Gabriele’s company. They exchanged know-how on website creation and social media activities. Due to Covid-19 not everything went to plan. Gabriele supported Ana in the field of calculations. Both profited from each other and they have a clear road map for tours from Vienna to Slovenia and the other way round. Gabriele acquired a lot of new contacts in Slovenia (hotels, restaurants and local producers). “It was a great experience -there are so many differences between the two countries- from cultural to entrepreneurial. I was very happy about this exchange because I got a lot of new information and I could expand into a new market,” says Gabriele.
Gabriele Klima (HE): “It was a very inspiring and lively exchange with a very friendly atmosphere between us. As soon as the pandemic eases, we will start offering more trips to Slovenia. Ana and I are still working together and I can explore new travel destinations in Slovenia.”