New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Gábor Kummert
Country: Hungary
Age: 24
Sector of activity: Co-working spaces
Did you already start your business? no
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Emanuele Sisti
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Co-working spaces specifically focused on international customer
Experience in running a business (in years): 4
Name of business/website: Innovation Campus – https://innovationcampus.biz/
Period of exchange: 25/01/2020 – 30/04/2020
Duration of exchange: 3 months
How the right entrepreneur can support your business during a pandemic?
The main work for the New Entrepreneur was the website, he worked together with Emanuele to refresh the existing pages, and add new ones. They took into consideration the needs of customers, and made adjustments with them in mind. Another important point for the New Entrepreneur was to manage social media and organize events. After some weeks he worked together with a new intern on these. The Entrepreneurs shared ideas and furthermore the New Entrepreneur got inspiration from another employee at Innovation Campus who has been there for more than a year. She personally helped the entrepreneur by answering a lot of his questions about co-working spaces.
The New Entrepreneur learned a lot about the management of co-working spaces and he can apply this knowledge in Hungary. The Host Entrepreneur got a lot of help in Social Media making content and his website was updated. The entrepreneurs envisage future collaborations. They may work together in the future, because Innovation Campus always needs people who can create websites or online shops for clients.
Gábor Kummert (NE): “I had the chance to learn about the challenges of running a co-working space and it was especially interesting in Covid-19 times. We have to take into consideration a lot of factors, and keep the guests satisfied all the time with a professional environment, and in the meantime, keep up a steady expand and development of the company.”
Emanuele Sisti (HE): “Having Gabor with us was really helpful, especially in a period of many changes for our company. He perfectly integrated in our team and the job routine. Putting his technical skills at our disposal and was actively participating in all the activities he was involved in.”