New Entrepreneur (NE)
Name & surname: Antonella Berta
Country: Germany
Age: 53 years
Sector of activity: Journalism, Film
Did you already start your business? No.
Name of future business: …writing…
What is your future business? Under the name “…writing…” I want to offer book-editing and ghostwriting in German and in Italian language. My idea is to combine my experience as a television journalist and my multilingualism with a further competence as book-editor in order to provide clients with diverse services.
Host Entrepreneur (HE)
Name & surname: Simona Camporesi
Country: Spain
Sector of activity: Editing and Ghostwriting
Experience in running a business: 4 years
Name of business/website: Simona Camporesi / simonacamporesi.it
What is your business? Editing works of fiction, sports handbooks, essays, university texts. Ghostwriting service for author’s books. Mentoring service for writers.
Period of exchange: 06/01/2020 – 22/03/2020
Duration of exchange: 2,5 months
How did editing and ghostwriting expert Simona benefit from the contribution of film director Antonella?
We are NE Antonella Berta, Film Director and TV-Journalist in Frankfurt, Germany and HE Simona Camporesi, Print-Editor and Ghostwriter in El Hierro, Spain. We met each other on the Island of El Hierro, in spring 2019, while Antonella was making a sabbatical there.
NE Antonella was looking for chances to become an entrepreneur using her writing skills and her experience with film and novel dramaturgy, as well as the possibility to work location-independent using remote and digital “mobility” rather than being physically present at a company’s headquarters or office.
HE Simona Camporesi was looking for a chance to share her know-how and to expand her staff. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme was the perfect platform for them in order to tackle those challenges. The benefit they expected was to inspire each other with their personal skills in order to grow (Simona) and to address the challenges of entrepreneurship (Antonella).
As a senior expert in print editing, Simona introduced Antonella to the art of editing. Her method was a practical one and they were working very close on several novels, essays, how-to manuals, etc. Antonella introduced Simona into the basics of film and novel dramaturgy through the method of the Hero’s Journey.
The NE acquired many new skills and got encouragement to start her own project to become a dramaturgy consultant in the publishing business, as well as to accomplish the publication of books about subjects she dealt with as a film director.
Concluding Remarks
Antonella Berta (NE): “It was a challenging experience in the most beautiful place on Earth. Simona was a demanding coach as well as an openhearted professional, who encouraged me to bring in my own professional skills into the practical work of print editing. My expectations were 100% fulfilled. Thanks EYE!”
Simona Camporesi (HE): “It was my first experience as a teacher and it was challenging, beautiful and inspiring. Antonella helped me a lot to build some inner work instruments, taught me about dramaturgy skills and gave me a different and really precious point of view about my work. I hope to repeat the experience as soon as possible!”