Background information of NE
Name & surname: Susanna Cremaschi
Country: Italy
Sector of activity: Horse Breeding
Name of business: SC BREEDING di Susanna Cremaschi
Background information of HE
Name & surname: Frantz Ducci
Country: Belgium
Sector of activity: Horse Breeding
Experience in running a business: 20 years
Name of business / website: Haras du Grand champ / www.hdgc.be
Period of Relationship: 11/04/2019 – 10/10/2019
Duration of Relationship: 6 months
This time, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme brings us to explore the exchange between Frantz Ducci, from Belgium, and Susanna Cremaschi, from Italy, respectively host and new entrepreneurs.
Belgium is far over its clichés and has surprises in store for everyone. This is the case of a very specific sector in which Belgium stands as one of the main leaders in Europe; and probably only professionals and enthusiasts are aware about it. We are talking about horses and their breeding, training and trade.